1. Any racing vehicle...that predates 1956
2. Any vehicle for or inspired by any superhero or villain
3. 60‘s and 70‘s era Show Rods...the crazier the better
4. Mars Society needs rovers of all types
5. Any vehicle from childhood cartoons...MASK, G.I. Joe, etc.
6. Any vehicle inspired by the new Legend of Chima line
7. Any contender for the 2014 SEMA car show
8. Any vehicle you want...customized for rock crawling
9. Any emergency vehicle...police, fire, ambulance, etc.
10. Any vehicle featured on Top Gear
11. Any tractor or combine harvester
12. Any amphibious vehicle
13. Zombie Apocalypse Killfest ‘2013...‘nuff said
How did we do? Let's see, shall we?
Mr. Koenigsegg starts up this little shindig and orders us up a #9...in this case a Police Corvette Z06 inspired by Need For Speed: Most Wanted. Its...you know...black and all police-y and stuff. Oh, remember when I was joking about kumquats? Well, I bought a batch and...well...they're way more sour than you'd think. We did make kumquat bread out of it, though.
For his second entry, Mr. Koenigsegg once again fires up his warm kitchen lights to photograph this grey Lamborghini Murcielago LP640, depicting #10. Its...you know...grey and all Murcielago-y and stuff. He tells us it comes Series 9, Episode 5 (2007). Is that the one where Hamster almost dies?
Next in line, TechnicNick goes with a #10, any vehicle featured on Top Gear. Its light weight and perfectly flat sides spells trouble for the beloved Citroen 2CV Charlston as we've seen one of these puppies blown over and demolished by a jet engine on that one episode of Top Gear. This is a great representation of the iconic little car.
Mars Society needs rovers and guess who answered the call. Agent WHO. Agent Who? WHO. No, but agent Who? Yes, Agent WHO. That's his name. Anyway, he build this ER-LS Mars Observation Rover for observing...uh...whatever shenanigans and goings on on Mars. So far nothing to report but some quick growing space fungus that wants to eat our face. Probably nothing important. Lets move on.
Legonoitallmocs shows that even renders can be overly exposed and superimposed onto a drab grey background with this pair of Aston Martin V8 Vantage police cars, depicting number 9: Any emergency vehicle. I have an emergency. I ran out of vodka and orange juice.
We may as well just call this roundup 9 or 10 cuz any emergency vehicle and any Top Gear vehicle are what people are picking. No exception to this people picking rule is Loek1990 with his render of 1998 BMW 528i Touring with the Top Gear Africa Special mods. Is that the one where Jeremy drives a Rolls Royce into a pool or the one where Walt cooks up his first batch of meth? I get my shows mixed up.
Finally, someone orders up something not from the value menu! Ralph Savelsberg goes with a #5, the Thunderhawk Camaro from MASK and in doing so totally ruins all of his childhood memories. See, Ralph was a big fan of the show as a kid, but now as a sensible adult he realizes the show was just a weak ploy to sell toys with silly plots and implausible physics. Good thing he didn't watch Rainbow Brite then.
Or My Little Pony for that matter...cuz that would make Ralph a Bronie. Speaking of bronies, his second entry features Jake and Elwood Blues with their Bluesmobile. Since its a former cop car it counts as a #9 since it still has got a cop motor, a four hundred and forty cubic inch plant, it's got cop tires, cop suspensions and cop shocks so its all good. Remember Ralph, it is and always will be bronies before honies.
New guy MadFirePhotographer lives up to his name somehow with this Mack CF Fire Engine, presumably depicting #9. I've checked and he really is a mad fire photographer whereas I fancy myself more of a mildly perturbed photographer of lakes. Something tells me he's a one-challenge type...or we can expect lots more mad fire photography from this one.
Certainly no one trick pony is Peter Blackert. Yesiree, he's in LUGNuts for the long haul with practically a baker's dozen entries of his own. (what, you couldn't squeeze out one more?) His first entry is a #9 Ford Explorer Police Pursuit Vehicle.
Hell yes, I remember Battle of the Planets! Any English speaking kid alive in 1978 knew full well the shenanigans of these five space-adventuring-orphan-super-hero-bird-themed...space orphan...guys. Depicted here is Jason's G2 Racer.
The super-hero-space-orphan-bird guys also had their more subdued albeit totally mod civilian hipster counterparts. This time the civilian ride for the character, Jason, an interpreted 1967 Pontiac Firebird Coupe.
S'more #5 action from Peter, this time Princess' Civilian ride is a standard 70's era sportbike...with her flared hipster bell-bottoms flapping in the breeze there.
Followed by her spaced out G3 Akira inspired motorcycle. Ahh the memories. I can still hear the opening theme music. You can hear the opening theme music too...if only they invented some sort of way to watch videos on the web. Some sort of tube site where you can watch...I don't know...shows from the 70's or maybe a monkey peeing in his own mouth.
But the technology for such a website is 50 years in the future, I'm sure. Too bad, really. But for now just enjoy the timeless beauty of this MotorCity Police Department - 1951 Mercury Eight.
This just in! A hostile space fungus from Mars just landed in Washington DC and declared that it wants all Earth made rovers off their planet immediately! And is demanding to eat the President's face! More news at 11. Oh and Peter also built this tow truck.
Next Peter adds some much needed Claas to this joint. (you saw that joke coming!) This time in the form of the CLAAS JAGUAR 900-Series Harvester, depicting # 11. Finally!
And another one fitted with the maize cob silage attachment for mowing down...uh...maize cob silage stuff. Peter tells us the Claas Distribution Center is on the way to work so occasionally he gets to stop in to talk to the nice friendly folks there.
I had a similar experience on the way to my work. While on the bus to work, I once saw a homeless guy bend over to throw up into the garbage can and he split his pants while he did it. I coulda gone my whole life without seeing that but no, I gotta live with that memory for all eternity now! Oh and Peter built an Alfa Romeo Giulia Berlina - 105 Series Italian police car.
Finally someone orders a #2, in this case, Peter's Iron Man themed Audi R8 monster truck. The monster truck aspect of it screams inbred redneck but the Audi R8 part demurely nods to performance and luxury. Its a dichotomy like sleeveless tuxedoes or ass-less pants.
Cripes, there's that memory again! They spilt all the way from like front belt loop to back belt loop. And his ass wasn't even clean, either, but you know...what else would you expect from a hobo puking into a can. Anyway, lets rid ourselves of this vision by thinking happy thoughts. Puppies. Balloons. Kittens. A miniland scale Mercedes-Benz W196R Rennwagen 'Monza' Streamliner used in the 1954-55 Formula One World Championship.
You know what's so sweet about this all-inclusive way of blogging?Fritz4783's mowing tractor gets equal billing. Hey, maybe I write about monkeys peeing in their own mouths and and space fungus eating your face but at least it gets you blogged, right? Try getting this over at our Big Brother's blog. Its almost cute in its naivety, this tractor.
And speaking of our Big Brothers, they seemed to have liked Lino Martins (hey, that's me!) Stars N'Stripes Divco depicting #7. And what's not to love about it? Patriotism and nostalgia are always big winning tickets at the SEMA show and here at LUGNuts. Its just too bad that my photo editing made it a bit too over-exposed. There were no sunny days in June here is Seattle so I had to overcompensate. I gotta get me a better photo booth!
Last but not least, Rolic finishes us all off with a 1949 Ferrari 166MM...a contender for the old-timey races. He tells us it took so long from build to post that he forgot the car's make and year. Yeah, that'll happen.
That's all of them, right? So...how did we do? I wanted variety with these 13 vastly different choices and variety is what I got. Sadly, no one even touched numbers 3,6,8,12, and 13. Oh, the possibilities! But if we wanted to see Amphicars or rock crawlers, we'll just have to wait another time. And those zombies lurking about aren't going to kill themselves, you know! Great, thanks to you people we have undead zombies who need to be...um...more dead. Anyway what's in store for next month? If we don't all die from a zombie infestation, its the drug fueled psychedelic acid trip we like to call Summer of '69...all about 60's era cars, trucks, and bikes. Its all about incense, peppermints, and peace and love to your fellow man. Will yours be a 6-fo Impala lowrider or a totally groovy VW bus? We'll just have to wait and see. I for one, have something totally balls-out awesome in store for you! Yep. So tune in next month, same bat time...same bat channel! Grooooooovy man, Grooooooooovvvvvvvy!
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