Monday, August 19, 2013

The Future of Aston Martin and Mercedes-Benz

The future of Aston Martin after Mercedes-Benz AMG. Many people may not have heard the recent business deal with the Mercedes-Benz AMG and the Aston Martin. The news is Mercedes-Benz AMG made business agreement with Aston Martin to provide electronics, telematics systems, engines and other things. 

I mentioned about this future marriage in my blog couple of weeks ago. And it is not a surprise at all, there was rumour of Mercedes and Aston Martin business deal for nearly half a decade and now they finalise it. 

Why Aston Martin needs +Mercedes-Benz? Very simple! +Aston Martin does not have enough cash to improve their cars and offer new technology and comfort features. You can easily understand this from the technological features of any Aston Martin, they are old! Aston Martin cannot offer seat ventilation, radar guided cruise control, pre-crash technology, seat massage, and new engines. However, Aston Martin offers the most authentic brand in automotive industry.

On the other hand Mercedes can offer any type of technology you can imagine or you cannot even imagine. However, the problem with Mercedes, their craftsmanship is not as close as to Aston Martin, their design is a bit boring, and Mercedes is not cool at all. When you add all these issues together and the sum is, Mercedes cannot offer a competitive vehicle for Bentley and Rolls Royce. And Maybach brand was failed really badly. So, Mercedes needs a British brand to find a place at the ultra luxury segment and this can be achieved only by engaging with Aston Martin. 

In future, Mercedes may buy the whole Aston Martin and it can be placed under the Daimler AG! And after that, we will see cars that never existed before. Can you imagine the Aston Martin Rapide with the new Mercedes S-Class technologies! I mean that would be fantastic, you have all the technology you need in a car and it is packed with a state-of-art craftsmanship with a way better design.

Don’t be shocked if Mercedes buy the whole Aston Martin and that’s not a bad idea either.

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